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Development of a Waste Aluminum and Tin Can Pressing Machine for Village Level Application

 Ronel S. Pangan1, Arsenio N. Resurreccion2, and Reynaldo I. Acda3



A pressing machine for both waste aluminum and tin cans was developed to answer the need of local junkshop operators to increase the volume of materials that can be accommodated in their limited storage areas as well as to load more materials during shipment to bulk buying centers. The developed machine is simple, easy to fabricate and made from locally available materials which can be used for village-level application. The machine can press an average of 17.55 kg of aluminum cans per hour and 27.37 kg/hr of steel cans with a volume reduction of 78%. Evaluating the machine in terms of its profitability resulted to a positive incremental net benefit because of the considerable savings both in fuel and labor costs due to the reduced number of trips per month but having a much heavier load of materials. Using a 12% discount factor, the project’s profitability was further substantiated because the benefit cost ratio (BCR) is 1.45, a positive net present value (NPV) of P22, 846.20 and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 19.34%.

1Engineer III, Agricultural Mechanization Development Program, Institute of Agricultural Engineering,   College of Engineering and Agro-industrial Technology, University of the Philippines Los Baños, 4031 College, Laguna, Philippines; 2Professor, Agricultural Machinery Division, IAE, CEAT, UPLB; 3Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, CEAT, UPLB.