Manuscript Evaluation Process
The PJABE follows a double-blind review process to ensure fairness and prevent bias in manuscript evaluation. Confidentiality of the review process and information on the manuscripts for evaluation, are strictly observed.
The Editor-in-Chief and Editors shall initially review the submitted manuscript for possible publication in the journal. They shall evaluate the submitted manuscript based on academic merit (significance, originality, validity, clarity) and its relevance to the PJABE’s scope, before the reviewers’ evaluation.
The Editors shall make the final recommendation for the manuscript/s that can undergo the review process. They shall also identify and recommend at least three (3) reviewers who are experts in the fields/disciplines related to the manuscript being reviewed.
The Managing Editor shall send the recommended manuscript for review to three (3) identified reviewers/referees. The Managing Editor shall facilitate the review process in close coordination with the Editor-in-Chief and the Editors.
The reviewers/referees evaluate the manuscript based on the PJABE pro-forma evaluation forms. In addition, the reviewers may indicate marginal notes and comments on the hard copy or e-copy of the manuscript.
Reviewers/referees are given at least three (3) weeks to evaluate the paper. If the reviewer/s recommended the manuscript for publication with minor revisions, the manuscript will be returned to the corresponding author to address the suggested revision/s but will no longer be returned to the reviewer/s. The Editor-in-Chief and Editors, and assisted by the Managing Editor shall review the revised manuscript if the suggested revisions are already integrated and satisfied by the author/s. On the other hand, manuscripts which are recommended for publication but required major revisions will be returned to the corresponding author for revisions (1-2 weeks). The revised manuscript will be returned to the reviewer/referee for the second round of evaluation (1-2 weeks). The reviewer/referee recommending the manuscript for major revision shall then approve if the revisions are acceptable and can be recommended for publication.
Corresponding authors are informed when reviewer/s decline the manuscript for publication. In case when two (2) reviewers/referee/s recommended the manuscript for publication, and the third referee did not recommend the manuscript for publication, the Editor-in-Chief and Editors shall decide if the manuscript will be published. In case when two reviewers disapproved the paper for publication, and with only one reviewer recommending the manuscript for publication, the manuscript will not be published, and the corresponding author will be informed of the reviewers’ decision.
The Editor-In-Chief and Editors approve the manuscripts for publication in every issue of the journal through an en banc meeting.
The Assistant Managing Editor assists the Managing Editor and the Editorial Management in the evaluation process of the PJABE manuscripts. The Assistant Managing Editor is also in-charge of the dissemination and distribution of the PJABE issues and updating of information in the PJABE website.