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  • Light and simple in construction
  • Inexpensive
  • Constructed from locally available materials
  • Can be used for different sizes of corn ears


For the hand held version, insert the smaller end of the corn ear against the teeth of the sheller. Start rotating the sheller while continuing to press the ear against the teeth of the sheller until the whole ear is shelled. For the crank type version, sit on the bench provided, hold the crank and insert the smaller end of the corn ear against the teeth of the sheller. Start rotating the crank and continue until the whole ear is shelled. The teeth of the sheller can be adjusted to accommodate different sizes of corn ears. With a pair of pliers increase or decrease the opening of the teeth of the sheller by individually adjusting the teeth according to the desired size of ears to be shelled.


Types: Hand –held, Crank-type
Shelling capacity: 22-30 kg/hr
Shelling Efficiency: 100% shelling efficiency
Dimensions (mm): Hand-held:        Crank-type:
Diameter:         50                        50
Length:         60                       660
Width:                                     245           
Height:                                     520
Weight:      150 g                     3 kg
Number of operator: one person

For more information, contact:   

The Program Manager

Center for Agri-Fisheries and Biosystems Mechanization

Institute of Agricultural Engineering

College of Engineering and Agro-industrial Technology

University of the Philippines Los Baños

College, 4031 Laguna, Philippines

Tel. No. (049)536-2686, Telefax No: (049)536-3606

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


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