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  • Transplants rice seedlings in rows
  • Uses less seedlings
  • High field performance
  • Easy to operate and maintain
  • Low maintenance cost
  • Low labor requirement


The machine transplant rice seedlings in rows. A seedling mat cut exactly into 20.5 cm wide by 40 cm long is used with the transplanter. When planting, the handle is pulled up and pushed down. With each downward stroke, the picker picks a number of seedlings out of the mat and puts them into the mud. At the upward stroke, the transplanter is pulled towards the operator. The free wheel is simultaneously actuated to move the chain. The attached seedling tray then moves horizontally to feed new seedling into the slot. These seedlings would be picked at the next stroke.


Type of Machine: Manually operated
Field Capacity: 0.45-0.55 ha/day
Length: 146 cm
Width: 85 cm
Height: 70 cm
Weight: 24 kg
Quality of Planting:
Row Spacing: 20 cm
Planting Depth: 1-3.5 cm
No. of Seedlings/ hill: 3-5
Seedling Preparation: Modified dapog nursery, aged 14-20 days
Number of operator: Two persons (one operator with one helper)

For more information, contact:   

The Program Manager

Center for Agri-Fisheries and Biosystems Mechanization

Institute of Agricultural Engineering

College of Engineering and Agro-industrial Technology

University of the Philippines Los Baños

College, 4031 Laguna, Philippines

Tel. No. (049)536-2686, Telefax No: (049)536-3606

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


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